Outdoor, self-directed, all weather nature immersion.
Research suggests that forest schools and nature immersion can have a positive impact on mental and physical health in children, including improved cognitive function, reduced stress and anxiety, and better physical fitness. According to a survey by the National Trust (2012), fewer than 10% of children played in natural areas like forests or parks, compared to 40% of their parents’ generation. This decline in outdoor play is linked to reduced physical activity, increased obesity, and lower mental well-being.
What the research says:
• Nature immersion can improve cognitive function, motor coordination, balance, connectedness to nature, and health and well-being in children (Cudworth & Lumber, 2021).
• Children who attend forest schools are more likely to engage in physical activity and spend less time sedentary compared to those in traditional schools (Wu et al., 2019).
• Forest school programs have been found to increase self-esteem, confidence, and resilience in children (Harris & Kirk, 2020).
• Nature immersion has been linked to reduced stress and anxiety in children (Nisbet & Zelenski, 2011).
• Children who attended forest school had better communication and cooperation skills than those who did not (O’Brien & Murray 2007; Knight 2009).
• In forest schools, participants have the opportunity to challenge themselves and reflect on their experiences. This allows them to develop self-awareness and self-regulation. They work on empathy by sharing and listening amongst peers. Overall, forest school students gain confidence and self-esteem because they’re the ones guiding their own learning (O’Brien & Murray 2007; Knight 2009).
• Resilience is the ability to cope and adapt to stressful or negative situations. Research has shown that simply being in nature reduces the impact of stress (Blackwell, 2015). This means children who spend more time outside have less stress to begin with.
• People who participate in forest schools demonstrate being more relaxed (Roe & Aspinall 2011).
• Children who attend forest school also become more independent because they lead their own learning. They learn to make decisions around risks (e.g. a slippery tree, a fire circle) and become resilient and self-reliant in the process (O’Brien & Murray 2007; Knight 2009).
• “As children experience more risky activities and terrain, they learn to determine for themselves whether something feels safe or not, rather than look externally to adults to decide this for them” (Forest School in Canada 2014, 40)
• Young people who attend forest school reap physical benefits in addition to social and emotional benefits. They show improved balance and coordination and quicker fine motor skills development (Fjortoft 2001).
• For children who do not do well in classroom settings, forest schools encourage curiosity and motivation to learn (O’Brien & Murray 2007; Knight 2009). Research shows forest schools help ADHD children learn. The Attention Restoration Theory supports this finding (Taylor, Kuo, & Sullivan 2001).
• A four-year study from Norway examined the relationship between the amount of time young children attending daycare spent outdoors and their cognitive and behavioral development. This found that time spent outdoors in pre-school may support children’s development of attention skills (Ulset, Vitaro, Brendgen, Bekkus, & Borge, 2017).
• An international report draws together five key evidence reviews and a structured sample of further reports on children learning in natural environments (Mal- one & Waite, 2016). The authors identified the type of long-term impacts that these projects have on children’s quality of life. They placed a focus on impacts around ‘physical health and wellbeing and ‘character capabilities’ such as self-regulation, empathy, creativity, and innovation, and their capacity to be successful learners’ (ibid, p4).
• Fiennes et al. (2015) provides a systematic review of the evidence base relating to the effectiveness of outdoor learning. Conclusions in the review were that almost all outdoor learning had a positive effect on the defined outcomes, and that longer-term interventions were more effective, as well as those with good preparation and follow-up.
• A study found that children who attended a forest school program for 10 weeks had a significant increase in self-esteem and self-confidence compared to a control group (Harris & Kirk, 2020).
• Children who spent more time in green spaces had lower levels of salivary cortisol, a stress hormone, compared to those who spent less time in nature (Dadvand et al., 2015).
• Nature immersion can improve cognitive function in children, including attention, memory, and problem-solving skills (Kuo & Taylor, 2004; Wellard & Devine, 2016).
• Children who attend forest schools have better motor skills and coordination compared to those in traditional schools (Wu et al., 2019).
• Exposure to nature has been linked to reduced symptoms of ADHD in children (Kuo & Faber Taylor, 2004).
• Children who attend forest schools have a lower body mass index (BMI) compared to those in traditional schools (Tranter & Malone, 2017).
• Positive outcomes for children attending Forest School included an increase in well-being and academic development. Indicators of increased well-being were evident in changes in children’s self-regulation and resilience, which appeared to be supported by “emotional space” — defined as “the provision of a physical space and time in which the children are free to be themselves and express their emotions.” Results also included increased confidence for learning and connection to nature. These results were reflected in children’s increasing confidence outdoors and in having them recognized as “wild experts” at school. Positive results were also evident in academic outcomes. McCree, M., Cutting, R., Sherwin, D., (2018). The Hare and the Tortoise go to Forest School: Taking the scenic route to academic attainment via emotional wellbeing outdoors. Early Child Development and Care, 188(7), 980-996.
Studies suggest that time spent outside, especially in nature-based learning environments like forest schools, can have a positive impact on children’s reading skills.
Recommended Reading:
- Coyote’s Guide to Nature Connection, Jon Young
- The Nature Fix, Florence Williams